Currency in Seville Spain – Currency Exchange and Money Guide

Currency in Seville Spain – Currency Exchange and Money

Guide to Currency and Money in Sevilla – Exchanging, Paying and Tipping in Seville

In Seville, as in the rest of Spain, the official currency is the Euro (€). The Euro comes in various denominations, both in coins and banknotes. Coins are available in 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, and 50 cents, as well as 1 and 2 Euro coins. Banknotes come in 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, and 500 Euro notes. It’s good to have a mix of both for small and large purchases, especially since some smaller businesses may not accept larger bills. This is particularly true in the cafes and tapas bars, where card is often not accepted, even in 2023.

Where to Exchange Currency in Seville

When it comes to exchanging currency in Seville, you’ve got a few options. Banks are usually a good place to start; they offer competitive exchange rates and generally have lower fees than other exchange services. Keep in mind that banks usually have set hours and may be closed on weekends.

Currency exchange kiosks are another option. These are often found in tourist areas and airports. While they offer the convenience of extended hours, they typically have higher fees and less favourable exchange rates.

Type of ServiceNameNotes
BankBBVAWidely available around Seville (especially centre)
BankSantanderWidely available around Seville (especially centre)
BankCaixaBankWidely available around Seville (especially centre)
Exchange KioskRia Currency ExchangeLocated in tourist spots. Official website.
Exchange KioskGlobal ExchangeCan be found in Seville Airport
Exchange KioskEurochangeFound in Seville centre and malls. Official Website.

ATM and Cash Point Use in Seville

ATMs are widely available throughout Seville and are often the most convenient way to get cash. You’ll find them at banks, shopping malls, and busy streets. Most ATMs offer a choice between English and Spanish for easier navigation. Keep an eye out for fees, though; your home bank and the ATM operator may both charge you.

The cheapest fees I’ve seen for withdrawing cash in Seville centre are using the CaixaBank cashpoints attached to the actual banks. With a Monzo card, I was able to withdraw for free!

Tipping in Seville

Tipping isn’t as customary in Seville as it is in countries like the United States, but it’s still appreciated for good service. In restaurants, it’s common to leave small change or around 5-10% of the bill if you’re pleased with the service. For bars and cafes, leaving the coins you get as change is generally fine. Tipping is not expected in taxis but rounding up to the nearest euro is common. In hotels, a small tip for the bellman or housekeeping is a nice gesture but not mandatory.


Is it better to exchange money in my home country or in Seville?

It’s usually more cost-effective to exchange some money into euros before you arrive. However, you can also find reasonable rates at local banks and currency exchange kiosks in Seville.

Are credit and debit cards widely accepted?

Credit and debit cards are generally accepted in most large restaurants, hotels, and shops. However, it’s good to carry some cash for smaller establishments (think local tapas bars!) or in case of an issue with card payments.

Do I need to carry my passport to exchange money?

It’s generally a good idea to bring your passport or a form of ID when exchanging money at a bank or kiosk. This is a common requirement for identity verification.

What are the working hours for banks?

Banks in Seville usually operate from Monday to Friday, typically opening at 8:30 or 9:00 AM and closing around 2:00 PM. Some may also be open for a few hours on Saturday mornings.