Tipping in Seville – Do You Tip In Seville and How Much?

Tipping in Seville – Do You Tip In Seville and How Much?

Guide to Tipping in Seville Spain for Tourists

tipping in seville
seville tipping culture

Unlike countries such as the United States, tipping is less common in Seville and it can be confusing for tourists unfamiliar with the local customs. Here we take a look at tipping etiquette and expectations in Seville to help you tip appropriately during your visit.

Tipping in Seville

Tipping is not mandatory in Seville, but it is appreciated by service staff as an extra show of gratitude.

In Seville, tips are not compulsory for waiters, taxi drivers, and tour guides. When receiving great service, it can be a nice touch and a sign of appreciation to leave a tip.

Tips are not generally expected at cafés or quick-service restaurants, especially if the bill is less than 10 euros.

In Spain, it is illegal for employers to use tips to substitute any portion of an employee’s wages. So tips are not expected to make up a server’s regular pay and are an added bonus.

Tipping in Seville Restaurants

Tipping waiters at sit-down restaurants is a great way to show appreciation for great service in Seville. A customary tip is around 5-10% of the bill. Simply leave the tip in cash on the table or add it to your credit card payment if you pay by card. Tips of a euro or two are fine for small bills under €20.

Tipping in a Seville Bar or Cafe

When buying a beer or coffee in a bar or cafe it is not generally expected to leave a tip – use your own judgment on whether you received good enough service to warrant leaving a small tip.

Even just rounding up the bill to the nearest euro and letting the staff member keep the change is a nice gesture.

For example, if you buy a beer and tapa for 4.30€ and pay with a 5€ bill, consider just telling the bartender or server to keep the 0.70€ change.

Though not expected, it will likely be appreciated, and if you frequent the same spot during your visit, you may even notice extra attentive service next time after having tipped.

Seville Taxi Drivers Tips

Taxi drivers in Seville will not expect any tip, and it is generally not needed. Of course, if you really want to, and have received especially excellent service you can – usually around 5-10% of the fare would be very much appreciated.

Often locals usually will just round up the fare to the nearest euro, especially if paying via cash, in order to avoid the difficulty of the taxi driver carrying change.

Tipping Tour Guides

Tips for tour guides are appreciated in Seville. For a walking tour guide or group day tour, €1-5 per person is an appropriate tip. For a private full or half-day tour guide, tip around €10-20.

If you are embarking on one of the ‘free’ tours in Seville (more information here), it is highly recommended that you go ahead and tip your tour guide. The way ‘free’ tours work is that the tour guide ‘pays’ per person, and any tips are expected to cover this expense and go towards their wages.

Tipping in Hotels

When staying at a hotel in Seville, there are very few situations where a tip is required, especially during short stays in the city.

Bellhops who carry luggage at hotels in Seville do not expect a tip, however you can tip €1-2 if you feel the service went above and beyond. It is not customary to leave a small tip for housekeeping at the end of your trip.

If you want to leave a tip for an extended stay, and want to show appreciation to housekeeping, leave €1-5 in an envelope or with a note that says “para la camarera” (for the housekeeper).

When to Tip in Seville

Tips are generally given at the end of a service or meal in Seville. When paying at a restaurant, leave the tip on the table or add it to your credit card amount when you pay the bill. Tip your taxi driver when you reach your destination and exit the taxi.

Tipping in Seville Etiquette and Summary

  • Keep small change on hand for tipping. Coins are commonly used instead of paper bills.
  • 15% is considered a generous tip amount.
  • Don’t feel you need to tip in Seville (especially if you received poor or average service).
  • Tipping above 15-20% is uncommon.
  • Tips can be refused especially if very large. Don’t take offence.

Summary of Tipping in Seville:

ServiceTipping Suggestion
Waiters5-10% of bill. Not necessary for bars or cafes
Taxi driversNot required – Round up fare / leave small change
Tour guidesRequired for ‘free’ walking tours – €10-20 per person
Hotel bellhopsGenerally not required – €1 per bag if you want.
Hotel housekeepingNot required for short stays